Ajeya Krishna


Machine Learning Engineer | SaaS Labs
I have a strong interest in LLM, NLP, Conversational Intelligence, Prompt Engineering, and Computer Vision.
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Work Experience

SAAS LABS | Machine Learning Engineer
June 2022 - Present | Bangalore, India

Integral Member of Transformative JustcallIQ Team:
• As a Machine Learning Engineer at SAAS LABS, played a vital role in transforming the JustcallIQ conversational intelligence platform, introducing innovative features, and driving a significant increase in revenue.
• Developed a robust data collection pipeline from scratch, leveraging advanced technology stacks and custom Language Model Models (LLMs) to enhance machine learning operations and platform capabilities.
• Implemented AI tools like SMS Co-pilot and Context-AI, resulting in a 100% increase in customer engagement and improved workflows for customer-facing agents.
• Achieved a 75% reduction in admin review duration through the integration of conversational intelligence products.
• Enhanced communication quality by aligning client scripts with industry standards through the development of a Script Matching and Generation tool.

SAAS LABS | Machine Learning Intern
Jan 2022 - June 2022 | Noida, India

Deep Learning Intern | Guide Prof Dr.S.K.Singh | IIT BHU
• Developed a deep learning model for predicting Covid cases and segmentation of the Covid region.
• Employed Transfer Learning technique to extract features from pre-trained networks like ResNet50, InceptionResNetV2, and EfficientNet.
• Adapted different classification algorithms such as SVC, Random Forest, XGBoost, and Neural Network.
• Used data set of more than 10,000 pictures and obtained 99.9% accuracy with X-ray images and 99.4% with CT scans. The Covid region in the lungs was segmented with a 94% accuracy rate.
• The model has a greater recall and precision than the current RT-PCR test in predicting COVID cases.

Statistical Physics Data Analyst | Guide Prof Dr.Shraddha Mishra | IIT BHU
Lab Member
• Proficient in advanced statistical analysis, hypothesis testing, and data-driven decision-making, with a focus on statistical physics principles.
• Expert in applying Markov models and stochastic processes to predict and model complex, dynamic systems, essential for various applications.
• In-depth knowledge and practical experience in Bayesian modeling, providing a strong foundation for probabilistic thinking and statistical modeling.
• Skilled in developing classification models, cluster analysis, and crafting insightful visualizations, utilizing Python for efficient data processing and model development.
• Proficient in Linux-based environments, distributed computing, and simulation execution, enhancing efficiency for large-scale data analysis and insightful simulation-driven conclusions.

Data Science Intern
• Assisted the firm with Customer Targeting and Marketing using the insights extracted from the data.
• Performed an in-depth exploratory data analysis in Python using the NumPy, Pandas and Seaborn packages to discover the major characteristics impacting the product.
• Deployed several ML models like Linear regression, CART to predict the sustainability of the product.
• The company has experienced a 25% increase in customers using the insights.

JNCASR Bangalore
Research Intern
• Worked on a Statistical Mechanics problem using scipy, numpy, pandas, matplotlib libraries in Python under professor Subir K Das.
• Wrote a Scientific Model to efficiently predict the phase separation mechanism of a mixture when quenched to a low temperature using Mean Field Approximation of Ising Models.
• Achieved two phase separation mechanisms Spinodal Decomposition and Nucleation and employed Monte Carlo Algorithm to attain better performance.

Shreyansh Singh LLC
Marketing Intern
• Assisted with the setup and management of client presence on social sites including Facebook, and other similar platforms.
• Brainstormed ideas for new ways to engage and reach consumers.
• Increased the number of Facebook followers by 200% over 1 month period with teammates.






Natural Language Processing - Langchain, OpenAI, PyTorch, Transformers, GPT, VectorDB, Haystack
Python Libraries - NumPy, Pandas, Matplotlib, Seaborn, Sklearn, SciPy, Flask, JWT, FastAPI
Infrastructure and - Tools Docker, Git, Kubernetes, GCP, Sentry, MongoDB, VM, Redis, Grafana